
Care after removable prosthesis:

Carry the prostheses with care. To prevent them from accidentally falling, do these things to move or clean them over a sink full of water.

Wash the dentures daily, but not with toothpaste. Toothpastes are abrasive and lead to microscopic scratches, where food and plaque can hide. Like natural teeth, dentures should be washed daily to remove food particles and dental plaque. In addition, brushing can help prevent permanent stains on dentures. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles that are specially designed for cleaning dentures. Avoid using toothbrushes with hard bristles because they can damage the dentures and cause them to wear out. Gently brush all surfaces of the prosthesis, being careful not to damage the plastic or bend the joints. Rinse the dentures between brushings, after each meal.

Clean the dentures with denture cleaning solution. Hand soaps or diluted dishwashing liquid can be used to clean dentures. Household cleaners and many toothpastes can also be abrasive to dentures and should not be used. In addition, avoid using bleaches because they can discolor the pink part of the prosthesis.

Handle them with care when you are not using them (for example, while sleeping). It is necessary to keep the prostheses moist when not in use, so that they do not dry out and lose their shape. Dentures should be immersed in water when not in use. Dentures should never be placed in hot water, as this will cause them to warp.


Composite veneer and smile design correction care:

Care during treatment: between treatment sessions, you may have a slight feeling of elevation, which will definitely be resolved in future sessions.

In multi-session treatments, final shaping and polishing is done in the final session, so be patient.

Precautions for the first week of treatment: In the first week after treatment, avoid consuming colored substances such as tea, coffee, red sauce, pomegranate juice, etc.

Composite veneer care in the long term: Avoid smoking and alcoholic beverages as much as possible because it causes the composite to become cloudy and colorable.

Brush your teeth continuously at least twice a day with a soft toothbrush and use dental floss. Avoid using whitening toothpaste, mouthwash containing alcohol or chlorhexidine and use prescribed mouthwash or diluted salt water. Avoid biting hard objects and foods such as carrots, hard apples, ice, etc. Because it causes the composite veneer to break and chip. In fact, the composite does not break by itself, unless the instructions are not followed and hard objects are hit and chewed. If the length of your teeth has increased or you have had many spaces between teeth that have been filled with composite, be sure to use Night Guard to prevent damage to the composites.

To maintain the ideal shape and color of composite veneers, visit the clinic every 6 months for composite polishing.

After the composite veneer treatment, it may take up to two or three weeks (in cases where there was a gap between the teeth before the treatment, this time will be longer) to some extent change the tone of your speech, after that by getting used to the shape of the new teeth, The problem will be solved. If this is not solved, go to the clinic to make the necessary changes in the shape of the teeth.

Be sure to return to the clinic one week after the end of the treatment to check and solve possible dental problems. Otherwise, you are responsible for possible problems.


Care after restoration ( filling):

Avoid eating foods that require chewing for the first two hours (there is nothing wrong with drinking liquids) and use the other side of your mouth for chewing for up to 24 hours.

After the treatment, there is no contraindication for brushing and flossing.

It is normal to have pain and mild sensitivity to hot and cold water after tooth restoration (sometimes up to one to two months). However, if the intensity of the pain does not decrease after a few days, or if the pain occurs at night or throbbing, be sure to visit the clinic.

After the filling, there is no need to use antibiotics, but in case of pain, you can use painkillers after consulting your dentist.

An over contour feeling in the restored tooth in the first hours can be caused by the numbness of the area. If, after the numbness is removed, you feel a high, sharp or rough feeling at the repair site, visit the clinic after at least a day and night to resolve it.

Due to the numbness of the affected area, do not bite your lips and cheeks for a few hours to prevent the occurrence of wounds.

After tooth restoration with tooth-colored materials (composite), avoid consuming colored substances such as tea, coffee, pomegranate juice, cherry juice, red sauce, etc. for 72 hours.

Normally, tooth-colored restorations (composite) undergo some degree of undesirable color change after several months. Amalgam restorations may also lose their surface polish after some time. If this happens, you can go to the clinic if you wish.

Any restoration may have problems after a period of time and in case of non-compliance (for example, a part of the restoration breaks, etc.) In these cases, visit the clinic to repair or replace it.


Cares after Root Canal Treatment:

The first three days after the treatment: avoid eating hard food for 24 hours with the treated tooth and use the other side of the mouth to eat.

It is normal to have some pain in this area, and to reduce these pains, you can use painkillers such as Gelofen, ibuprofen, and naproxen, and in case of pain relief, acetaminophen can be used in combination with the mentioned painkillers.

The first week after treatment: In most cases, the pain improves, but if some pain remains, it is normal and is due to the inflammation of the nerve fibers around the tooth.These pains are more in the early days (the first two to three days) and show themselves as spontaneous and throbbing pains and tooth sensitivity, which gradually decrease after this period and finally disappear completely. So it is better to avoid putting pressure and chewing food in that area and use the teeth on the other side. Also, the surface of the tooth may feel short or long, if this feeling does not go away after a week, see your doctor.

* Antibiotics and medicine prescribed by the dentist should be used completely and on time.

* If you are still experiencing pain after a month, be sure to see your doctor.

* Due to the fragility of the root canal treated tooth, there is a high possibility of needing a veneer. Therefore, the tooth should be used with caution before veneering.

* If the tooth is filled temporary (for example, teeth that already have an infection are root canal treated in two stages to control the infection), as soon as the dressing falls off, please visit the clinic for re-dressing within 48 hours at the latest.


Care after pediatric treatments:

Fluoride therapy:

The child should not drink water or food for about half an hour after fluoride therapy. Because the fluoride on the child's tooth enamel has not hardened yet and it is possible to separate it as soon as they drink and chew. Therefore, it is better for the child to have proper nutrition before fluoride therapy.

It is forbidden to use a toothbrush, dental floss and fluoride mouthwash for up to 24 hours.

Parents should prepare soft and cool food for the child's first meal after fluoride therapy. This increases the resistance and durability of fluoride on the teeth.

During fluoride therapy, the child may swallow a large amount of this substance. Therefore, give your child milk to drink half an hour after fluoride therapy.

Do not worry if you see a change in the color of your child's teeth because after some time the teeth will regain their natural color.

** Depending on the amount of tooth decay and the condition of the child's mouth and the susceptibility of the teeth to decay, fluoride therapy should be repeated every 3-6 months.

Space maintainer:

When there is a space maintainer in the child's mouth, he/she should not use hard foods and sticky sweets.

The space maintainer should not be manipulated or put under pressure.

While brushing, the space maintainer should be cleaned like the teeth.

The space maintainer must be examined and controlled by a dentist every 6 months.

As soon as the space maintainer is broken, loosened, or the lower permanent tooth is seen, you should go to the clinic for the necessary measures.

crown of primary and permanent teeth:

After placing the crown, the child should refrain from chewing food for 2 hours.

It is very important to encourage the child not to eat food until the numbness of the tooth is completely gone. This prevents accidental biting of the lip and cheek, which can cause serious and painful injuries and wounds to the child.

It is normal for a child to experience some discomfort for up to 24 hours. If you feel pain, you can use painkillers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen according to the dose prescribed for your child.

Crowns should be kept clean by brushing and flossing to prevent food accumulation and gum inflammation.

If the crown is loose, go to the clinic immediately to match it with the tooth and cement it.

The crown will fall out by itself with the resorption of the baby tooth root and the tooth falling out, and there is no need for the intervention of a dentist to remove the crown.

Pulpotomy/pulpectomy and filling:

The child should be prevented from eating solid food for 2 hours after the treatment and chew food with the other side of the mouth for 24 hours. The pain after the treatment is normal for a few days, and during this time you can use the painkillers prescribed for the child. As much as possible, avoid eating hard and sticky foods and sweets (such as toffee) to prevent the filling from breaking and separating.

Care should be taken until the numbness from eating and accidental chewing of the child's lips and cheeks is removed.

Extraction of tooth:

For half an hour, the child should bite the gauze placed on the area with gentle pressure and then take it out and eat an ice cream or, if the child has diabetes, crushed ice. If the bleeding continues, put a new gauze or a wet and cool tea bag on the affected area for another hour.

Avoid spitting and chewing hard and hot foods, washing your mouth vigorously, avoid sucking movements like using a straw for 24 hours, and try to chew food with the other side of your mouth (in order to form blood clots and stop bleeding).

Due to the numbness of the cheek and lip, the child should refrain from pulling and biting the cheek and lip and playing with that area.

The intensity of pain is different in different children, and if there is pain, pain relievers such as acetaminophen and ibuprofen can be used as prescribed by the dentist.

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