
Beauty: including smile design correction by performing ceramic laminate, composite veneer, form correction and gum lift (gingivectomy) as well as treatments such as teeth whitening (bleaching), whitening of discolored teeth due to root canal treatments(endo bleaching), treatment of Dental colors changes (fluorosis, …), placement of dental gems, …

Dental Implant: This is an artificial tooth replacement treatment that is used today as a standard treatment to replace lost teeth permanently.

Surgery: includes tooth extraction, wisdom tooth surgery, impacted teeth, remaining roots and dental cysts, bone grafting, sinus lift, ...

Periodontology and Gum Diseases: includes scaling and brosage, curettage, gum transplant (in cases of gum recession), crown lenghtening, phrenectomy, tooth splint, etc.


Dental Prostheses: this treatment includes removable prostheses such as full dentures and fixed prostheses such as metal-ceramic crowns, all-ceramic and zirconia crowns, dental bridges to replace the empty space of lost teeth, over dentures, posts and cores, Night Guard, etc.


Root Treatment: includes root canal treatments, Apico surgery (cutting the root tip), re-root canal treatments and  specialized treatment of tooth perforation.


Restoration: includes tooth-colored restorations (composite) and amalgam restorations, full crown restoration, fissure sealant (covering the grooves to prevent decay), etc. Also, in this center, composite restorations are performed using the latest techniques such as biomimetic.


Orthodontics: treatment of improper jaw and dental relationships, aligning irregular teeth in children and adults in a Removable and fixed methods or using transparent aligners, as well as placing a retainer (fix) to stabilize the treatment.


Pediatric Dentistry: preventive treatments such as fluoride therapy, fissure sealant, scaling and brosage and treatments such as root canal treatments of decidious teeth (pulpotomy and pulpectomy) and permanent teeth with open apex (apexogenesis and apexification), tooth-colored (composite) restorations and amalgam restorations, Stainless steel and zirconia crowns, space maintainers , fixed orthodontics and removable appliances, night guard, etc.


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